Overdue and Lost/Damaged Materials

Overdue Material

If items borrowed on your account become overdue the library will notify you with a First Notice sent two weeks past due date, followed, if necessary, by a Second Notice two weeks later. If you have provided your email address, notices will be sent free of charge via email. For each overdue notice sent via US Post your account will be charged 75¢.

If items are not returned, you will receive a bill for the replacement cost of the item plus a non-refundable $3.00 processing fee. Your account will be charged a $1 fee for each bill sent.

45 days after the original due date, your account will be referred to a collection agency. A non-refundable collection agency fee of $10.00 will be applied to your account and must be paid even if you subsequently return the overdue material.

Borrowing privileges will be suspended until overdue items are returned or paid for.

Lost or Damaged Material

Borrowers will be billed for lost or damaged materials at the replacement cost of the item plus a non-refundable $3.00 processing fee. For items not in print, an average price for that type of item will be charged.

Refunds for items lost and paid for, and later returned to the library, will be issued only upon the presentation of the original Olean Public Library receipt issued at time of payment.