Acceptable Computer Use

The library provides Public Access Computers (PACs) for card holders and guests. The library provides free wireless access for use with your own device. Use of the library’s wireless network requires that you agree to our usage policy.

Any conduct that violates the Rules Governing the Use of the Library may result in loss of Library privileges and/or criminal prosecution or other legal action.

Access to the Library’s computer equipment and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Failure to comply with Library policies and procedures may result in forfeiture of the use of Library equipment, Internet access or general Library privileges.

Acceptable use of the Olean Public Library’s electronic resources–whether networked or wireless–includes, but is not limited to, the following;

  • Users shall not use the Library’s electronic resources for illegal or criminal use.
  • Users shall not harass libel, slander or maliciously offend others.
  • Users must respect the legal protection provided by copyright and license to programs and data.
  • Users shall be responsible for any damage they cause to Library equipment.
  • Users shall not develop or use programs that infiltrate damage or alter the software components of a local or remote computer or computing system.
  • Users cannot install software on any Library computer.
  • Any attempt to circumvent security or computer management software will result in loss of computer privileges.
  • Users shall not intentionally seek information on or use computer accounts, access codes, data files, or network identification numbers assigned to others.
  • Use of computers in the Library to view, display or disseminate pornography or material that is obscene or harmful to minors is prohibited.
  • We reserve the right to limit the number of people at each computer station.
  • Users must respect the privacy of others.
  • To maintain an area computer users are comfortable working in all patrons are required to behave in a manner that preserves the relative security and privacy of all. While waiting for a computer to become available patrons should wait outside the computer area. Loitering in the area of the computers is not respectful of the privacy of others and patrons will be asked to remove themselves from the area. Those waiting should remain an appropriate distance behind computer users, respect the one person per computer rule, do not observe other’s work, and keep the area cell phone and conversation free.
  • Public Access Computers (PACs) maintained by the Library are configured to remove all locally-saved user information at the end of each session.
  • The Library cannot guarantee the privacy or security of information transmitted via Library computers. We urge all Internet users to be very cautious in using Library computers to transmit important personal information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, etc. The Library assumes no responsibility for any financial or other losses which may result from the use of Library computers.
  • Most legitimate sites have written policies regarding privacy and use of submitted information. It is your responsibility to read and understand these policies.
  • The Library reserves the right to terminate a computer session that disrupts Library services or that involves user behavior that violates the Library’s policies.
  • The Library does not allow access to its network Ethernet ports. All user equipment brought to the Library can only be connected to the wireless network.
  • The Olean Public Library offers free wireless Internet access. Wireless Internet may not always be reliable or available due to circumstances beyond our control. The Library’s wireless network is unfiltered. By choosing to use this free service, you agree to abide by the Library’s Wireless Access Policy.

–Adopted January 16, 2013