Any of the Information Desk staff can assist with fairly basic technological issues and are able to spend about 5 minutes helping if the problem is not complex.
More complex issues will require a longer period of time to solve and probably require an appointment with the Technology Engagement Librarian. Currently the Technology Engagement Librarian is most likely available M-W 11-2pm and T/Th 4-6 pm. Scheduling a tutoring session is the best way to guarantee availability, however, and can be done by calling the Circulation desk at 716-372-0200 or emailing

Mutual Aid Tech Forum
If you have answers, we have questions!
Currently the Mutual Aid Tech Forum is meeting the fourth Friday of every month from 3-5. If you know something about technology and would like to help people who don’t; or if you just want to talk about technology, please join us. Some computers will be available for searching or demonstration, but feel free to bring your own.